Dispute Resolution

Dispute Resolution

Our professionals are adept at advising and representing clients at adjudication, arbitration, litigation and mediation. At Blinch we are proficient at marshalling requisite evidence, articulating arguments on the facts and the law, drafting claims and/or defences.

Blinch can initially assist you to avoid scaring important relationships by providing you with an advice and opinion on the merits and prospects of success before advancing blindly in the forums of adjudication, arbitration, litigation and mediation. Understanding the merits and prospects of success allows you to make informed decisions as to the way forward which avoids unnecessary costs and expense.


Our professionals have extensive experience in adjudication.
At Blinch we act for both the referring party and respondents. We can at short notice quickly marshal a team together to deal with any dispute small or large, simple or complex. Our professionals comprise practising adjudicators and are on adjudicator panels such as FIDIC, TECBAR, CIArb, IChemE and CIOB. Our professionals are familiar with most of the rules of adjudication.


Not only do our professionals act as counsel for parties but also conduct arbitrations as the tribunal insofar as our professionals include Chartered Arbitrators and some are on the approved panels of FIDIC, IChemE, CIArb, TECBAR and LCIA. We act for both claimants and respondents. Our professionals represent clients in both domestic and international arbitrations in particular, ICC and LCIA arbitrations.

Our professionals regularly;

  1. (a) advise parties as to the strategies, merits and prospects of success of proceeding to trial 
  2. (b) appear as advocates in arbitration hearings

At Blinch we can devote a complete team to arbitration.

Our professionals are familiar with most arbitration rules such as CIArb, CIMAR, IChemE, ICC and LCIA.

Court Proceedings

Our professionals regularly appear in the TCC and County Court in fast and multi track cases representing claimants and defendants alike.


Our professionals often represent and aid clients in mediation. Our professionals are dual qualified and able to act as mediators.  They are on the approved panels and/or are members of CEDR, TECBAR, TeCSA, CIArb and other nominated bodies.